Profile PictureLucas Preti

Ilford Ortho 80 B&W Film Emulation Lightroom Preset

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One of the first types of black and white film ever made, Orthochromatic — in this case, Ilford Ortho 80 — is not sensitive to red light, which results in really dark skin tones. Today it’s mostly used for slide presentations due to the low grain and high sharpness and contrast.

The download includes (1) a .DNG image which you can open in any version of Lightroom (mobile, CC or classic) and save the preset yourself, and (2) a .xmp preset for Lightroom and Lightroom classic, if you prefer it. It's a pretty easy install, here's a great tutorial.

There's a lot of examples on my instagram: @lucaspreti

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Ilford Ortho 80 B&W Film Emulation Lightroom Preset

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